Sunday, October 19, 2008

Trans-Literacy Tools

Spent most of today going through the tools in the workbook. Registering, playing, learning. First impressions, how they work, how can i use them.

Facebook - what can i say. Intensely annoying yet incredibly powerful. Can connect with other like minded people across the globe but we use it to tell people what we had for breakfast. It's value for me is in how you use it. Great for events and happenings, smart mobs and protests. I use it for my feature film group Zombie Undead.

Blogger - Well here we are. I use it for my movie and for a
journal of my time at DMU. I equate my use to that of Facebook. Non-personal and creative. This Web 2.0 business is great to a point but there is very little interest to me reading someones diary unless there is some create insight or knowledge to be gained. Search i guess is the key. As with Facebook its how you use it that creates value.

Twitter - take the worst feature of Facebook, 'What are you doing right now' and make it into an application. Surely no sane minded person could have thought this would work? But it did and it does. Used this briefly a while back with the question 'Filming zombie film in Leicester. Need toilet location for xx/xx/08'. The responses i got all wanted a location fee but i got answers from people i didnt know. My network was widened. Twitter is a concept which i initially detested, see Facebook, but am gradually understanding and coming round to.

It would be very naive academically or personally to write off these tools as they do have great value. I just have to find that value and take a leap of faith.

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