Monday, October 6, 2008

Why Creative Writing and New Media?

What excites me about the course?

The freedom. The chance to explore my literary creativity within environments in which I haven't created before.

What worries me about the course?

Vocalising my work. Lack of ability to create consistently

Which specific problems do i think i will encounter?

Lack of time. Lack of vision.

What steps would i take to deal with these problems?

Organise better. Write free form at moments of block to push my way through.

List the people i know who can help support me.

Teresa Lewis, Martyn Quinn, Neill Phillips.
Do i expect my personal situation to be changed by the course and how?

As one of my outcomes is to be a feature length script then yes i hope my situation will be changed as this goes into production. Also I believe the course will help me become more prolific and open up other avenues.

List 3 creative objectives to achieve by end of the course.

Feature length script, online collaborative project,
trans-literacy project.

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