Thursday, October 30, 2008


Started researching tools to create part of my possible CWNM project. First in the list is iStories. This is a tool for digital storytelling which was developed through work on 'Inanimate Alice'. I downloaded this and went through the tutorial. Using iStories you build up 'pages' of text, images and audio. Movement forward through pages can be either user controlled or timed. A simple interface draws you in quickly and you can create works quickly and easily. I think however that this simplicity is also its drawback. For example font choice is limited. However I realise this was designed for those with no programming skill and is a great tool for, example, schools.

One of my project ideas involves adapting a story for the web abd would need objects appearing on the page at intervals along with sound and also fade ins and outs. However much I criticise Flash I think for me it would be a better choice.

After thinking my project over I am opting for the online presence creation over the multi-media short story adaptation. I think the former is something that hasn't been done before and the latter something I could do as a seperate side project for myself.

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