Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Violet : PKD

Last lecture Sue gave us the remit to write on 'violet' ( she doesn't like to lead us much;-) ). I'm not sure why but this sparked off an idea.

The data-stream shuffled minutely in his arteries. Mewing and bawling its life erupting once again as another iteration took place sending waves of nausea/ecstasy into his brain. Brendon Quail's veins pumped and gorged. He closed his eyes awaiting the clarity that would take him to the next level as the Violet : PKD kicked in."

What i wanted to do was write an extract from a possible short story in the sub-genre of science fiction constructed, I believe, by Philip K. Dick.
As a note i'd like to add that this is only an exercise to write in the genre and not an attempt to emulate. Thinking about it the inspiration sprung to mind as many of the concepts in these kind of stories ( Jeff Noon, William Gibson and Max Barry included ) fit into the trans-literacy approach of the CWNM - emerging technologies and possible their possible extrapolations into something new.

To start this exercise I re-visited some of Dicks works as research to ascertain themes and threads that run through his work and and developed by other authors. Here's what i found :
  1. drug use
  2. questioned reality
  3. short form
  4. visionary predictions
  5. blended juxtapositions of the normal and the extra-normal
  6. an unreliable narrator
  7. mental illness
  8. fictional worlds inhabited by 'non-science fiction' characters
  9. proliferation of 'distinct new ideas'
Dick creates worlds predicated on our own which is advanced in some way. Indeed Dick himself states that science fiction must contain this dislocation between our known world and the world created, by a conceptual idea which transforms the world with events that have not happened but could happen in the 'real' world.


Harvard system of referencing included for my reference.
Author, Initials/first name., Year. Title of book. Edition. (only include this if not the first edition) Place: Publisher.

Dick, P.K., 1972, Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?. 1997. Great Britain. Voyager

Dick, P.K., 1972, Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said. 1996. Great Britain. Voyager

Dick, P.K., 1972, Beyond Lies the Wub. Great Britain. Voyager.

Ok, i got a bit side tracked there but i leaned something. Spending time researching a genre or author is fine. But not when it stops you from writing!

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