Sunday, October 19, 2008

Toyota Prius Script Ideas

Brainstorming, sorry, thought showering some script ideas today for our Creative Digital Media Design project. The concept we've agreed on involves a wireframe model of the Prius which we revolve and then crash zoom into reveling a heart for the engine, leaves coming out of the exhaust etc. The end shot should have the car becoming 'real' with a skin added to the model.

Script One:

You wanted performance.
You wanted lower low emissions.
You wanted power.
You wanted fuel economy.

The New Toyota Prius. Whatever you want.

Script Two:

Revolutionary performance.
Revolutionary emissions.
Revolutionary fuel economy.

Simply - The Green Revolution
The Green Revolution. The New Toyota Prius.

Tag Lines:

A car with a conscience.
A car you can enjoy with a conscience.
A revolution in motoring.
Live your life. Live the Toyota Prius.
The future is here. T
he Toyota Prius.
A quiet revolution.
Shifting expectations.
Ecological. Economical. Efficient.

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