Saturday, October 18, 2008

Advert With 2D Animation

Initial discussions in the group centered on which product we were to advertise, which tools to use, and what we were trying to achieve. Product suggestions were iPhone/Pod, HnM, IOCT, green cars, biking to work and Oxfam. After much discussion we agreed on the green car. Its topical, has built in 'brand' awareness and can be sexed up. Much of the discussion involved what we should concentrate on - what we were trying to achieve. The design was paramount with technicalities not a priority. If we had a technically sophisticated advert but the implementation, research and design were secondary then we failed the brief.

After initial discussions amongst the group we agreed to advertise a green car. Lifestyle and concept were the buzz words. The next session involved thrashing out ideas around the concept. Any idea was discussed, hopefully in a non-judgmental way. After pooling ideas we trimmed down the ones which were not practicable either in terms of time or skill. We cant compete with multi-million pound adverts after all.

A schedule has been decided and roles assigned. My task for the next meeting was to write a script.

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